Pet Care Services in NW San Antonio, TX

Posts by K-9 Nannies of San Antonio

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Halloween can be the spookiest night of the year, but keeping your pets safe doesn’t have to be tricky. The ASPCA recommends taking these simple, common sense precautions to keep your pet happy and healthy all the way to November 1. Stash the Treats The candy bowl is for trick-or-treaters, not Scruffy or Fluffy. Several popular Halloween treats are toxic to pets....

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Symptoms of Food Allergies in Dogs

Many dog parents are surprised when their four-legged companions develop food allergies. But, just like in humans, a food allergy occurs when a dog’s immune system mistakenly believes a specific food is harmful. Some symptoms of a food allergy in a dog include: Chronic ear inflammation Itching Paw biting Poor coat quality Obsessive licking Skin rash Hives...

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Summer Heat and Your Dog

Now that we are in “the dog days of Summer,”  remember that dogs are vulnerable to heat related illnesses and injuries.  These conditions include heat stroke, sunburn, and foot pad burns. To protect your dog, remember the following: When the temperature is high, avoid hot surfaces like asphalt. Being close to the ground can heat their body quickly and can burn on...

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